If you require NCEP predictor variables for the period 1948 to 2017 you should email c.w.dawson1@lboro.ac.uk with the filename you require. The filename is case sensitive and should include the full name including the extension - for example, BOX_12.5N_132.5E.zip.
Alternatively - you can email the location you require as a latitude/longitude. Longitude should be East (0 to 360). Latitude should be either a North value (0 to 86.24) or - a South value (0.01 to 86.24). Provide values as decimal degrees (for example 42.72 or 43) - not degrees and minutes.
Note: No GCM predictors are needed for SDSM-DC.
Definitions sheet for SDSM predictors available by clicking here.
CMIP6 ensemble of daily predictor variables (courtesy of Government of Canada): https://climate-scenarios.canada.ca/?page=pred-cmip6
Please note that the line endings of this dataset must be converted from UNIX to DOS prior to use with SDSM software.